Christopher knows homes can be comfortable and healthy for people and the planet without breaking the bank. He believes building is about developing relationships rather than conducting a transaction. He is proud clients become friends.
A typical home includes:
- Triple-pane R-7 Windows that exceed Energy Star certified windows by 100%.
- High-performing closed-cell foam insulation, R-35 wall insulation.
- R-80+ cellulose insulation in the attic space (Code requires R-48)
- High-efficiency radiant heat in the kitchen, and bathrooms. There’s nothing like a warm bathroom floor!
- Air sealing and indoor air quality verification using blower door testing and continuous mechanical intake air.
- A highly engineered foundation with 2” of protected insulation on the side walls and 5” of high density insulation under the slab.
- Advanced framing—using less wood and more insulation.
- Great air quality through constant inside microbial air filtration—removing spores, dust etc.
- Heat-pump whole-house heating, cooling and dehumidifying.
- High-efficiency hydronic baseboards with personal thermostats in each room for individual adjustment and comfort.
- Super-insulated 80-gallon stone hot water tank by Vaughn, with 2” of insulation.
- When possible, homes are sited facing south, for full winter sun and passive solar heat gain all heating season
- Roofs are built ready for solar panels—to make homes nearly net zero.
Good for the planet, good for your wallet.
Based on performance of our homes for a family of four, operating costs average only $2,000 to $2,500 a year for everything—heat, hot water, electric and cooling.
Compared to similar houses with conventional construction and oil heat and hot water, you will save over $3,000 per year or $90,000 over the life a mortgage.
Compared to a similar house with conventional construction and gas heat and hot water, you will save $1,750 per year or $52,500 over the life of a mortgage.
Want to see specific comparisons? Get in touch with me, I’ll be happy to share them.
Prior to moving to Kennebunk Christopher ran an energy-services division conducting energy audits and weatherization projects. These included independent insulation and spray-foam projects throughout Maine and also through a partnership with Efficiency Maine. He has been certified by the Building Performance Institute as a Building Analyst and an Envelope Professional. He has conducted over 400 energy audits and over 100 energy retrofits as well as building custom, super-efficient homes.